These conceptual promotional designs aim to portray a friendly, positive and optimistic voice, while attempting to influence the audience into living a more concious lifestyle.
I enjoy illustrating by hand and find this style effective in communicating messages about nature and people, due to the organic lines and shapes, it feels human and relatable.
In addtion, minimalism and wabi-sabi are other personal interests I kept in mind – simple, deliberate design to express mindfulness in what you consume, and imperfect illustrations to reference consciousness of nature.

The final posters each represent one area of lifestyle change: food and fashion. Although the assignment only required two posters, if the campaign were real, I imagine there to be at least six – one for each tip for change seen in the brochure – and located about the city. The white space and limited use of colour represents living in moderation and with careful thought, while the imperfect illustrations reveal to the audience that they don’t have to be robotic or faultless in making changes to their lifestyle. It is okay to make mistakes now and then.

Maintaining the same style as the posters, the brochure has small but deliberate aspects that I feel make it easier to comprehend and impact the audience. The story-like progression allows the information to be understood and recalled in the future. The introduction establishes the issue, followed by the solutions and most importantly, a conclusion – without the inner poster showing how ‘it all adds up’, the infomation would be difficult to recall and the brochure would feel unsatifying, ending with no closure.
Each page also interacts in some way with the page that came before it, such as the introduction text being located directly behind the cover illustration. In this instance, the eye requires minimal movement to search for the content, leaving it
easier to read.
easier to read.
Additionally, I carefully wrote text with positive language to represent WWF’s voice – there isn’t an element in the brochure that says ‘don’t do this’, it is entirely ‘let’s have a go at this’.